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VS&F Journey

Losing Motivation?

By Brooklynn Beauregard | In Uncategorized | on July 26, 2018

It's Summer!

So it's summer. The suns out (sometimes) which somehow manages to flip your schedule completely upside down. We all know fitness tends to be one of the first things we start to slack off on come summertime. So what do you do about your goals?

What Do You Do?

Have you ever set some goals for yourself- whether that be to start enforcing a new diet, workout routine, running plan, etc. – gone strong for about a week, maybe more, and then just totally fallen off track? Guess what, so have I (Brooklynn Savage). We all do it. Here's the thing, my goal hasn't changed much over the past 3 years. Lose weight, tone muscle, and feel better about myself. How much I want to reach those goals hasn't changed. But my level of excitement and enthusiasm towards reaching them definitely has. So how do you keep yourself on track when your determination starts to wear off? Set different goals!

The Power of Goal Setting…

“But Brooklynn, you just said that your goals haven't changed at all. In 3 years..” You are so right, I said that. That's because my main goal hasn't changed at all. Weight loss, toning, and confidence are my long-term goals. But in order to stay excited and working towards those goals, I have to set attainable short-term goals for myself. Instead of saying “I want to lose weight this week.” I'll say, “I want to spend at least 5 hours in the gym this week”. Or maybe, “I'm going to walk three days this week”. A short-term goal that keeps me moving towards my long-term goal. And a long-term goal that keeps my eyes on the prize.

How To Set Goals That'll Keep You Moving

Here are four really great pointers I learned a while back on how to set goals that will stick!

  1.  Identify the Why

If you're going to create something that you're going to be working towards for time to come, you'll need to know why you're doing it. Otherwise, the first obstacle that comes up will be the first thing to derail you.

2.  Identify Your Obstacles

A sure way not to let anything stand between you and your goals is to identify the things that might come up, and then create a plan to knock right through them! One of the main obstacles we face in our fitness journey is a lack of time. How do you get over the time obstacle? Create a schedule! I could write a whole other blog just on creating time for your fitness. But for now, identify your obstacles, and find the way through it.

3.  Create Accountability 

This is where the short-term goals come in. You need to create milestone markers for yourself to keep it fresh in your mind. Set up and end date (a realistic one) and mark some checkpoint dates. This will keep you on track. Take it one step further and find someone that has similar goals, or who you know will hold you to it, and partner up!

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4.  Now.. Go!

You've got all the tools you need now, so let's do this! Of course it's not a straightforward path, but keep reminding yourself of the why and keep hitting those short-term goals, and you'll continue to move forward.


NASM Certified Personal Trainer

Brooklynn Savage


Want to find out a little bit more about me? Read my bio!


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